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Defining Logical Qubits - Criteria for Resilient Quantum Computation

February 16, 2024


The quest for practical, large-scale quantum computers demands more than just physical qubits. We need robust and reliable logical qubits, which encode information using multiple physical qubits to overcome inherent noise and errors in quantum hardware. But what exactly defines a good logical qubit and how can we assess its resilience for complex computations?

Moving Beyond Basic Operations:

Simply storing information on a cluster of physical qubits doesn't make a logical qubit. We need to demonstrate essential functionalities:

  • Non-trivial encoded computation: Performing meaningful operations on the encoded information, not just individual physical qubits. Think quantum gates and circuits acting on the logical qubit as a whole.
  • Entanglement generation and manipulation: Harnessing the power of entanglement between multiple logical qubits for advanced algorithms and computations beyond classical capabilities.

Leveling Up Resilience: The Three Stages

Defining a resilient logical qubit requires assessing its performance across three key levels:

Level 1: Basic Functionality

  • Encoded state preparation and readout: Can we reliably create and measure the intended quantum state on the logical qubit?
  • Error correction: Does the error correction protocol effectively mitigate decoherence and noise affecting the logical qubit?

Level 2: Quantum Advantage Demonstration

  • Large separation between logical and physical error rates: The logical qubit's error rate should be significantly lower than the combined error rate of its underlying physical qubits, showcasing the effectiveness of encoding and correction.
  • Correction of all individual circuit faults: The error correction mechanism should address errors occurring during different operations within the encoded computation.
  • Entanglement generation between logical qubits: Demonstrating the ability to create and manipulate entanglement between multiple logical qubits unlocks the true potential of quantum algorithms.

Level 3: Practical Quantum Computation

  • Deep computations with hundreds of logical qubits: Can the logical qubits handle complex algorithms involving large numbers of qubits while maintaining high fidelity and low error rates?
  • Scalability: Can the error correction and encoding techniques be readily applied to larger systems with even more qubits?

The Ongoing Journey:

Developing truly resilient logical qubits is an ongoing research endeavor. By meticulously defining and evaluating logical qubit performance across these different levels, we can chart a path towards robust and reliable quantum computation, ultimately unlocking the revolutionary potential of this technology.

Further Exploration:

  • Explore specific error correction codes and their implications for logical qubit design.
  • Investigate different architectures for implementing logical qubits on various quantum hardware platforms.
  • Discover ongoing research efforts within the field of fault-tolerant quantum computation.

This article provides a general overview. Consider exploring the provided resources for a deeper dive into specific aspects of logical qubits and their role in achieving fault-tolerant quantum computation.