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Communicating Effectively with HCM Communicate

January 20, 2023

Communicating Effectively with HCM Communicate

HCM Communicate is a powerful tool that allows you to create and deliver personalized messages to your employees, managers, and candidates. With HCM Communicate, you can:

  • Streamline your communication processes and workflows
  • Enhance your employee engagement and retention
  • Improve your candidate experience and employer brand
  • Reduce your reliance on email and other inefficient channels

In this blog post, we will show you how to use HCM Communicate to communicate effectively with your audience.

How to Create a Communication Template

A communication template is a reusable document that contains the content and layout of your message. You can use a communication template to create consistent and professional messages for different scenarios, such as:

  • Onboarding new hires
  • Sending performance reviews
  • Announcing policy changes
  • Congratulating employees on achievements
  • Inviting candidates to interviews

To create a communication template, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the Communication Templates page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Click Create and select the type of communication you want to create, such as Email, Letter, or SMS.
  3. Enter a name and description for your template.
  4. Select the Data Model that contains the data elements you want to use in your template. A data model is a collection of data objects that represent the information you need for your communication, such as employee name, job title, salary, etc.
  5. Select the Layout Template that defines the appearance and style of your template. A layout template is a predefined document that contains placeholders for your content and data elements. You can use one of the existing layout templates or create your own.
  6. Click Edit Content to open the Template Editor. In the Template Editor, you can add, edit, and format your content and data elements. You can also insert images, tables, charts, and other components to enhance your message.
  7. Click Save and Close when you are done.

How to Deliver a Communication

After you create a communication template, you can use it to deliver a communication to your audience. You can deliver a communication in two ways:

  • Manually: You can select one or more recipients from a list of employees, managers, or candidates, and send them a communication using the Deliver Communication page in the HCM Communicate work area.
  • Automatically: You can configure a communication rule that triggers a communication based on certain events or conditions, such as an employee's hire date, promotion date, birthday, etc. You can create and manage communication rules using the Communication Rules page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

How to Monitor and Analyze Your Communication

You can monitor and analyze the effectiveness of your communication using the Communication Reports page in the HCM Communicate work area. You can access various reports that show you:

  • How many communications were delivered, opened, clicked, bounced, or unsubscribed
  • How many recipients responded to your call to action, such as applying for a job, completing a survey, or registering for an event
  • How your communication performance compares to industry benchmarks and best practices

You can also use Fusion Analytics to create custom dashboards and visualizations that show you deeper insights into your communication data.