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Oracle Retail Invoice Matching

Oracle Retail Invoice Matching (ReIM) is a cloud service that supports the verification of merchandise invoice costs, quantities, and taxes prior to payment. ReIM receives invoice data through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), an Induction process, or from invoices manually entered through a group or single invoice entry facility. Invoice records are verified against associated purchase orders and receipts in an automated matching process.

Benefits of ReIM

ReIM offers several benefits for retailers who want to streamline their invoice matching process and reduce errors and discrepancies. Some of the benefits are:

  • ReIM allows retailers to define their own matching rules and tolerances based on various criteria, such as supplier, department, item, or invoice type. This enables retailers to customize their matching process according to their business needs and preferences.
  • ReIM supports different types of invoices, such as summary, parent, or item-level invoices, and can handle complex scenarios, such as split shipments, partial receipts, or multiple currencies. ReIM also supports tax calculations and validations for different tax regimes and jurisdictions.
  • ReIM provides an intuitive user interface that allows users to easily view, search, filter, sort, and export invoice data. Users can also perform various actions on invoices, such as approve, reject, adjust, or dispute. ReIM also provides audit trails and reports for tracking and monitoring invoice activities and statuses.
  • ReIM integrates seamlessly with other Oracle Retail cloud services, such as Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS), Oracle Retail Allocation, Oracle Retail Sales Audit (ReSA), and Oracle Retail Supplier Collaboration. ReIM also interfaces with the retailer's accounts payable system, where payments are processed and corresponding accounting entries are posted.

Features of ReIM

ReIM offers several features that enable retailers to perform efficient and accurate invoice matching. Some of the features are:

  • Automated matching: ReIM automatically matches invoices to receipts within retailer-defined tolerance at a summary, parent, or item level. If invoices are matched successfully, they are evaluated for best payment terms and posted to a staging table. The staging table is interfaced with the retailer's accounts payable system for payment processing.
  • Manual matching: If invoices are not matched automatically after a specified period of time, the auto-matching process flags the invoice with cost or quantity discrepancies. Users can then begin a manual identification of summary and detail-level matches or individually resolve item-level discrepancies.
  • Discrepancy resolution: Users can resolve discrepancies by applying reason codes based on a set of defined actions (for example, charge-back supplier) that determine the disposition of the discrepancies. Users can also communicate with suppliers through email or online messages to resolve disputes or request additional information.
  • Exception handling: ReIM handles various exceptions that may occur during the invoice matching process, such as duplicate invoices, missing invoices, missing receipts, or unmatched items. Users can view and manage these exceptions through dedicated screens and reports.
  • Reporting and analytics: ReIM provides various reports and dashboards that allow users to monitor and analyze the invoice matching performance and results. Users can also create custom reports using Oracle Business Intelligence tools.

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