BY Supply Planning

BY Supply Planning

​With shorter product life cycles, new competitors and expanding partner-supplier networks, organizations like yours need to be able to sense, process, plan and respond to changes in real-time. Blue Yonder supply planning capabilities help you stage the right inventory throughout your distribution network, minimizing stock-outs while maximizing inventory turns in your supply chain. Discover how you can gain a strong return on your invested capital and minimize inventory while maintaining the high level of service your customers expect.

Global supply chains are becoming increasingly dynamic and complex. Industries once populated with slow moving, vertically integrated manufacturers are now characterized by dynamic networks of specialized companies that collaborate to bring a complete product to market. Success is determined by how much visibility can be achieved across this extended supply chain, as well as each firm’s ability to understand, sense and quickly respond in real time to changes across the global network. Reacting to disruptions is no longer good enough — today’s companies must operate an always on digital supply chain in order to proactively detect disruptive events and apply predetermined, profitable response strategies.

This ability is imperative in today’s digital world of increasing product proliferation and new pressures to bring innovations to market quickly. Shorter lifecycles, new competitors, and increasing numbers of partners and suppliers have resulted in extreme business variability. The good news is companies now have access to a growing volume of data from Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, as well as social media, news, events and weather, making it easier to sense the demand and supply changes impacting their supply chain strategies. Companies that can dynamically update their working master plans in real time instead of relying on weekly, monthly or even daily cycles can command a significant competitive advantage in this volatile environment. However, many companies lack the tools and processes to sense, process, plan and respond to real-time.


  • Dynamic master planning

  • Create network resilience

  • Scenario planning

  • Root cause analysis

  • Complete what-if analysis

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