Retail Technology

The everchanging world of Retail, empowered by Technology

The pervasive Retail Technology

Retailers thrive when they exploit the possibilities at the intersection of their retail business and technological advancements

Retailers are constantly in search of ways to enhance customer satisfaction so as to differentiate from the competition and increase revenue. Technology now plays a big part in achieving that goal, more than ever before.
​Technology is becoming increasingly important in the world of Retail, and technological innovations, more specifically, are responsible for increasing the improvement in the shopping experience. Few must-dos include:
  1. Building a single customer view: Connect marketing, POS, and loyalty systems to build a 360-degree view of your customer
  2. Creating omnichannel experiences: Unify your brand and customer experience across in-store, web, mobile, and social
  3. Improving operational efficiency: Enable real-time flow of supply chain data to your entire partner ecosystem
  4. Delivering personalised experiences to customers: Build deeper relationships with your customers and deliver the personalised experiences customers expect

Explore RetailTech disciplines

Business and Technology domains for large Retail enterprises

This is a simple schematic of splitting various business and technology domains for a large Retail enterprise. Typically the domain split follows the SCOR model of PLAN > BUY > MAKE > MOVE > MARKET > SELL > SERVICE value chain and is driven by the size and scale of these respective functions within a given organisational context.
Retail technology domains


Retail technology capability map

L2 capabilities within each domain

Across each of these Business and Technology domains, key capabilities are identified in the business architecture diagram as below. This is an example from our collection of "jump-start Retail accelerator assets" that the team YALLO bring to the table when engaged.
Key capabilities within each domain
​At YALLO Retail, whether you engage us for talent recruitment or consulting services, we are fully aware of all the RetailTech nuiances and are well positioned to help address your challenges.

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