Product Design

Product Design

​Product design is the process of identifying a market opportunity, clearly defining the problem, developing a proper solution for that problem and validating the solution with real users.

Product design is built on a popular framework called Design Thinking which is a human centred approach to innovation that integrates the needs of people, technological possibilities and business requirements.

It’s important to note that whilst this blog will reference to digital goods, product design transcends this and can cover anything from digital goods to physical products and even environmental experiences.

What is the Product Design process?

The Product Design process is a critical framework that designers use to solve problems. As we walk through each section of this article, you’ll notice that the concepts and skills required of a product designer is varied and will change depending on which stage of the process you’re at.

The design process
The Product Design Process

As a product designer, you get to wear multiple hats which means your day-to-day will never look the same. You’ll be part problem solver, part researcher, part designer, part product manager, part data analyst and part marketer.

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